Roxborough Christian School

Statement of Faith

At Roxborough Christian School, both classroom instruction and school culture are grounded in our Christian faith. We believe that the Bible is the inspired and authoritative word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice. We therefore affirm the following:

Statement of Faith

  • That there is only one sovereign God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

  • The full deity and humanity of our Lord Jesus Christ, his virgin birth, sinless life, and declaration of the kingdom through word and deed, leading to his atoning death in which he was made to be sin and through which believers are reconciled to God; his bodily resurrection, ascension to the right hand of God the Father and personal return in power and glory.

  • That all humanity has sinned—rebelled against God—and fallen short of the glory of God, resulting in spiritual and physical death.

  • That a person is justified and reconciled with God by grace alone through faith alone in the Lord Jesus Christ alone.

  • That unless a person is spiritually reborn by the Holy Spirit he or she will not enter the kingdom of heaven.

  • The present ministry of the Holy Spirit, whose indwelling enables the Christian to demonstrate the fruit of the Spirit, and follow Jesus in love through self-denial and cross-bearing.

  • The continuing ministry of the Spirit to create the Church, God’s holy nation, and empower her to carry on the work that Jesus began while on earth, making disciples and bearing witness to the hope of the gospel everywhere in the world.

  • The spiritual unity of believers around the world in our Lord Jesus Christ and his Church. The will of God, revealed in the Bible, is for shalom—peace, reconciliation, and harmony between God, humanity, and creation—realized through faith in and obedience to Jesus Christ, who is the true source of peace and reconciliation.

  • The fulfillment of God’s kingdom when Jesus returns in glory to judge the living and the dead, ending the struggles of this age and bringing God’s final victory in a new heaven and a new earth.